For the Aoste Group, its position as leader is a commitment. For over 40 years, the French have chosen its brands to accompany their moments of pleasure and sharing. And to live up to this trust, the Aoste Group aims to be irreproachable in terms of the taste and quality of its products, as well as on social, environmental and economic issues..
Its main challenges are simple:
To continue to provide all its consumers with the gourmet pleasure and good products that are the basis of the relationship of loyalty that it maintains with them. And, because the Group works with animals and more than 15,000 breeders, it must contribute to transforming breeding practices towards better animal welfare.
More generally, this is a huge challenge to take up, because it is a question of maintaining the company's economic dynamic, assuming its responsibility in all its territories and drastically reducing its environmental footprint.

To succeed, we have summarized our sustainable development strategy into 6 objectives that will transform our business over the next 20 years: sustainable development with a constant model, but to choose ambitious sustainable development objectives that will lead us to evolve our entire business.

Afin de fournir au consommateur une information plus claire, voici notre Fiche produit (éditée selon le Décret n° 2022-748 du 29 avril 2022 relatif à l'information du consommateur sur les qualités et caractéristiques environnementales des produits générateurs de déchets). Fiche produit relative aux qualités ou caractéristiques environnementales.pdf

Very attached to animal welfare issues, we have built several schemes for pigs and chickens. For the pig industry, an ambitious trajectory to 2040 aimed at taking into account, in permanent dialogue with specialized NGOs, all the scientific knowledge in the field of animal welfare in order to participate in the transformation of pig breeding practices in France, the transport of animals and their slaughter. Two collaboration charters accompany the evolution of French breeders, "a base charter" implemented with 15,000 breeders from 2025 and from now on "a target charter" implemented with a pilot group of breeders to develop new methods. For the chicken industry, by 2026, 100% of our chicken meat supply will come from farms and slaughterhouses that meet all the criteria of the European Chicken Commitment for our French activities. In addition, at least 20% of these volumes will be sourced from farms that also guarantee access to free range." Progress programs up to 2026 are in place with our suppliers.